Woke up this morning to hear the news that Raj Thackeray has been arrested in the middle of the night from Ratnagiri (why couldn’t they do it in broad daylight, one wonders) and is being brought to Mumbai to be produced in court. This is an event that shouldn’t really affect my life in any significant way, for, other than being the leader of just another political party with a handful of seats in the state assembly, he has absolutely no locus standi and clearly isn’t the guardian of ‘Marathi asmita’ as he’d have us believe. I don’t support his politics, nor endorse his divisive, myopic and wholly opportunistic modus operandi – a mere photocopy of his uncle’s ‘sons of the soil’ propaganda of four decades ago! He’s just another hypocritical Thackeray (funny these followers of Shivaji spell their family name after a famous British novelist of the Victorian era called William Makepeace Thackeray!), who proclaims his righteousness by bullying people while moving around in fancy imported cars, going hunting with the filmi brat pack when not extorting and grabbing property in the city by all means possible and sending his children to a fancy, upper-crust English medium school (no Marathi schools for sons of this Marathi manoos).
Sadly, anything Raj Thackeray does, or anything that’s done to him, tends to disrupt my life. For, this self-styled ‘inheritor’ of Shivaji’s guerrilla warfare tactics has an army of goons who hunt in packs and evidently, carry out their business of sabotage with the blessings of the state government and the police machinery. For the Congress-NCP alliance, Raj is a weapon against the increasingly toothless Shiv Sena. For the Sena, his violent agenda is a provocation that must be met by an equal show of strength. For the media, he’s a constant source of entertainment – hence his every move is chronicled in meticulous detail, which further feeds his purpose. For the common Marathi man, he’s perhaps the guy who will get them the jobs they may or may not deserve and by dint of force if necessary; and for the non-Marathi population, he’s a nuisance and terror that just can't be wished away. So Mumbai has come to a standstill again today. Some hapless taxi drivers will get beaten up and their vehicles smashed about, a few shops will be stoned and damaged (naturally, nobody except the owners themselves are going to pick up the tab), many schools in the city are closed as a matter of precaution (and in some, like my daughter's school, exams were abandoned midway and children despatched home in panic), while the public will exercise caution in sensitive areas like Dadar and prefer to defer their Diwali shopping. The media will blare sensational headlines all day, panel discussions will speculate on the implications of Raj’s arrest, journalists and members of other parties will spout sagely wisdom on the matter, his own spokesperson will rant about the injustice being meted out to this great Marathi leader and so on. In a matter of hours, Raj Thackeray will be out on bail, and, emboldened by the attention being showered on him, go on to bigger challenges and cause greater damage.
I am not an authority on politics. Yet, the atmosphere of our vastly polluted democracy is increasingly incensing me. It’s not just the malaise of Raj Thackeray and his ilk that worries me as a citizen of this country. It is the shallow political environment which allows thugs and goons to bully their way around (virtually in every state), where no institution, party or individual is incorruptible. Where development, like secularism, is a dirty word tossed around casually. Where people are mere statistics of castes, communities, religious groups and vote banks, all cleverly pitted against each other. Where neither the judiciary, nor police, nor state can administer justice to those that need it most. Where the large mass called the middle class (of which, I shamefully admit, I too am a member) are too dazzled by their life of comfort and brain-numbing reality television to protest about anything. Where the poor have no choice but to get trampled. Where the rich have no concern for anything except the next cocktail party. Where sacrifice is foolish, principles are redundant and money is god. Is this really the India we so desperately wanted, an ideal for which scores sacrificed their lives, and many more underwent tremendous untold hardships? If this be freedom, did we really need to oust the British? As Sahir Ludhianvi aptly put it half a century ago: “Jinhe naaz hai Hind par woh kahaan hai? Kahaan hai? Kahaan hai? Kahaan hai?” Deepa Deosthalee
Dear Deepa
I totally endorse your anguish and we should all do something to rid ourselves of these dangerous creatures masquerading as leaders! I still have faith in our people who will one day rise to overthrow these goons. My only worry is that we, the intelligentsia will be only finding faults with their outburst when it finally happens!
Anyway, the 'Hindustan' of Guru Dutt was already flawed in many ways during the inception itself when we had a tryst with destiny!
All I know is that things would have been worse if the British had been still around! Just look at Zimbabwe and the other colonies in Africa where they held on longer!
We have to only thank our resilient freedom fighters who made us to cherish the idea of the free India!
So do not give up hope as long as you can still hold to an ideal, however distant it may be!
Hey! Finally 2nd Maharashtrian who has written openly after moi!! Thanks i know ur angst since soem time now..Firstly...ur one of the handful woman of the soil who knows the funda of the surname 'Thackeray' wc those moron goons of are not even aware.
Ur fully aware of my opinion on this..have written, u've read the HATE mail too that i've received.. glad ur writing..since morn we've exchanged smsz..u wrote it & brought it out is THE best thing.
Like ive said before...since the gaand fattu Middle class mahrashtrians support such 'sons of the soil' ideology..we are where were are ANARCHY in society & a progressive, cosmopolitan city!!
I have few candid questions
Are we Indian? Do our people feel UNITED?
Were we not divided on languages & religion?
Wasn't this the basic policy of the british??
DO these stupid maharashtrians out on the streets apepar for such railways clerk, sweepers exams?
Do these maharashtrians want to work at all? They want motorcycles & put up 'dhanda' then even if its a bar, its ok...look at those women & youth looking ugly (that's a given!!) their children & spouses shld be ashamed...off track sorry
the properties they have broken, burnt, who will pay for it? Will anyone fine mr Raj for it? What abt his children? Are people aware that when cases are made against the stupid rioters their leaders NEVER come out to give them bail, they are fined for damage to properties, but no one helps them.
do they feel proud of him? His son didn't do well i B'bay scottish, he had to be moved, had he NOT got influence wt Bhujbal wld he have allowed his son to fail??
Their children are in an elite school, they speak phoren languages...why mr raj voiceroy for Viceroy!! Then the defense ENg is NOT their lang...
Deepa, till this community does not come out & say enough, none of u represent us,
sorry it was me..
neeta :)
Fact : everyone I know, or meet with, shares similar opinions as yours .. that just shows how logical they are !
A single guy is allowed to hold the city to ransom .. unbelieveably crazy !
Rahul Gambhir
Totally endorse your views and I applaud your courage in putting forth your viewpoint. These goons are clearly out of the line and I can not fathom why government is so meek in dealing with them.
Aditya Agarkar
Deepa, have u been to UP and Bihar? Do u know the law and order situation in Bihar? Crimes, no jobs, no industries, rapes, kidnappings, booth capturing, murders, robberies. This is the condition of UP Bihar. Those two states are infamous. I have a Bihari friend who avoids going back to Bihar because she is scared..she says Bihar is unsafe for girls. How many of us will happily move to Bihar??? and now, Biharis and UPites are moving in large numbers to Mumbai. They are bringing this criminal culture with them. They will disrupt Mumbai's cosmopolitan culture. Today, Chat Pooja has become a bigger festival than Gananpati and Dandiya. We need to stop Bihari-UP migration to Mumbai, or else, Mumbai will become just another city of UP-Bihar, with that same culture.
I am proud that you are able to articulate your thoughts so well. The problem is 'middle class' which was once the backbone of our society has reduced in number...........(some have joined the neo rich caste who are not concerned about the means as long as they achive so called success or get what they want in terms of material prosperity) whereas, some others have become poorer and have no time to look beyond their immediate basic needs.
During post independence times, people migrated to cities in search of jobs. To help their families financially, women started going out for work. Due to lack of bigger accommodation and to have individual freedom, families became nuclear. As a result, parents had more money than the previous generation but much less time. As a result, most parents failed in passing on their value system which was an integral part of middle class culture once, to their children.
What I want to know is, was the notice or advertisement about the recruitment in Railways given only in some states........If so, railway minister and / or the administrators should be asked questions and made accountable for it. Instead of beating the poor applicants, the examination process can be declared null and void as it did not follow proper procedure. That would be a lawful way to remedy the situation.
Otherwise, Lallu Prasad may continue to do what he has reportedly done and get away with it. People have to ask questions under Right to Information Act and file Public Interest Litigations.
Leena Deosthalee - Aai
Couldn't agree with you more, Deepa. But this is the question that bothers me - it hit me when i was looking at pics of this man's rallies. It is we the public that have created this monster by listening to him, by making him grow with our attention. We go to his rallies, we listen to what he has to say, we get sucked him by his terrible rhetoric and finally, we vote for him....
Hi Deepa,
Read and couldnt agree with you more!
But you'll be surpirsed how my 'kaam wali' and my husbands office peons are gung-ho abt whats going on. They love it! They shake their heads and say 'see this poor man being arrested for all the good he's doing for Maharasthrians. We don't get jobs because of these UP walla's'. Who is to 'educate' them? They are the real problem -- not the middle class -- because it is they who come out on the streets and support this goonda.
Any answers for this class??
Dear Varkha,
Actually, that's where Raj Thackeray's success (and that of his uncle four decades ago) lies. But it's a myth, which unfortunately will take a long time to bust. Just to give you an example of these peoples' duplicity, the textile strike of 1982 crippled lakhs of Marathi families in the city. Thackeray Sr was very much active in politics at the time. But what did the Shiv Sena do to address this real and serious grievance of this large Marathi mass?
A couple of years ago, Raj Thackeray, along with sr. Shiv Sena leader Manohar Joshi did the unthinkable by buying over the Kohinoor mill in Dadar, which effectively means, they planned to build a commercial mall over the graveyard of the same 'Marathi' people whose cause they claim to espouse!
As your maid, if Raj Thackeray or his party is going to post bail for the MNS goons who've been arrested for rioting, or pick up the tab for the damage they've caused. Do these goons ask for a person's identity before they smash up cabs or cars or shops or any property?
Pls. also tell them that according to the constitution of this country, any person can travel for work anywhere in the country. And that there are lakhs and lakhs of maharashtrians living and working in other states around the country, and they too have active Maharashtra Mandals and organise festivals as the UP-ites do here.
Yes, Raj Thackeray's contention that the railway exam should have been publicised in marathi papers is absolutely valid. But the answer to that is not to beat up the candidates, but to initiate legal action against the organisers of the exam!
Moreover, real work for people requires efforts from the grass roots. Which means striving for better basic education, public health and infrastructure. If Raj Thackeray were to fight for these very valid causes in every corner of the state and truly represent the cause of the disenfranchised citizens of the state, I'd be the first to support his cause and join the ranks of the MNS.
The jobs that he's demanding for Maharashtrians are not theirs by right. There is no provision in the Indian constitution that demands reservation of jobs for locals. And there's no stopping them from pitching for any job they want.
Honestly, I think there's enough economic disparity and unrest in this country to always give people like Raj a platform for rabble rousing. And yes, the middle class is contributing to this mess by keeping quiet, by not taking on these hooligans and staying indoors instead of coming out in large numbers to protest against such blatant vandalism. It's a tacit support for their cause in my opinion, and it gives him and his cohorts the impression that they can hold the city to ransom at any given time -- which further lends credence to his misguided 'cause'.
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